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Instinct's platform

Get a tour of

Instinct's platform

See how you can supercharge your practice, create a safer environment for all patients, and restore work-life harmony for your entire team.

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Instinct's platform enables you to:

Improve Workflow & Staff Efficiency

Improve Workflow& Staff Efficiency

Put an end to manual data entry and missed information with integrated patient check-in and assessment, charts & vitals, digital treatment sheets, medical records, and invoicing systems.


Increase practice profitability:

Collect and track ALL treatment charges so you can grow your practice and patient base, and better serve your community and staff.

Enhance patient outcomes:

Enhance patient outcomes:

With automated patient safety features, drug calculators, and Plumbs integration, Instinct creates a safer environment for teams and patients.

State-of-the-art veterinary practices are powered by Instinct

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Schedule a free platform demo customized for your specific needs directly on our team's calendars.